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Dating spot in Tokyo: Tenku no niwa hoshi no naru ki

Proposal is the most important and memorable moment in the life. How about proposing while you travel? It should be great, right? Here is a few of the many restaurants you should go to make you and your bae’s life change;


  • Tenku no niwa hoshi no naru ki

This is the Japanese restaurant on the 59F of Sunshine 60 Building in Ikebukuro. It is 220 meters high from ground. From the window you can enjoy a panoramic view of Tokyo. Also the restaurant is decollated by one of the famous landscape artist in the world. He decollated this restaurant by using many plants in Japanese old style. He made “The Green Gate”, where you can feel the greatness of the nature in the restaurant. Oh, this should be a adequate place to make a move.

Not only the view and the atmosphere of the restaurant is great. Meal is also really good. They gathered good foods from all parts of Japan, and cook them carefully. You can enjoy meal with your five sensory organs.